Laura Kampf Transforms Steel Beam Into Functional Yakitori BBQ Grill

If you have ever followed the work of multi-talented German maker, Laura Kampf, you’d know that she likes to repurpose common items into useful and functional objects. Some of her past works include turning a Zippo lighter into a storage box for bits, or making a bike sidecar using a beer keg. Another popular creation from Kampf is a gorgeous yakitori BBQ grill, which is made using I-beam.

She often shares her DIY conversions on her YouTube channel under her name. In the video, ‘Trash to Treasure Grill—DIY Yakitori BBQ made from I Beam’, she shared how she gave a new life to an I-beam. She discusses the level jack grill and how building grills connects to her start as a maker.

Yakitori BBQ Grill

Yakitori BBQ Grill is compact and portable to carry to any location one wants. The top portion includes two holes on either side to put in a wooden stick that works as a handle. Using this wooden handle, it’s easier to carry this grill to any desired location. When you want to grill meat, sausages, or veggies, just remove the wooden handle and put in the coals or any other fuel source of your choice. Ignite the coal or wood and put meat containing skewers on the top for a perfect grilling experience.

Yakitori BBQ Grill

The best part about this small BBQ grill is that it’s easy to put on any table. So, you can enjoy a small grill session with family and friends while sitting around a table. Meanwhile, your meat or veggies get evenly smoked on this tiny grill.

Check out the video given below to see exactly how this grill works.

Via: BoingBoing

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