All thanks to portable grills, making perfect barbecue anywhere has become easier than ever before. HOKIPO V-folding charcoal BBQ grill is another compact grilling device that can be easily carried to any desired location.
Hence, its ideal for campers and trekkers to carry it along with them in their car to any outdoor location – such as parks, beaches, gardens, or forests to enjoy pleasant family get-together parties or camping with delicious grilled barbecued food.
This grill comes with a convenient V-shaped slimline design that allows it to be folded flat for easy storage or transportation. It has an easy tool-free assembly, which makes it ready-to-use in just a few minutes. All this has made it a perfect grilling unit for preparing outdoor meals more convenient and efficient for all barbecue lovers.
The barbecue includes one electro-plated iron barbecue grill, one chrome-plated tri-fold cooking grate, and one charcoal grate. The charcoal grate is meant to be secured to the folding grill while enabling the users to adjust it to any desired position. You just have to place the cooking grate on the stovetop when you’re all set to grill and prepare mouth-watering barbecued meat anytime you wish.
Barbecuing veggies or meat is something that combines your hobby with necessity. Moreover, it makes your meal time more socializing while enjoying outdoors or surrounding environment. Keeping the outdoor cooking and adventure in mind, the makes of this V-shaped charcoal grill has created something that will make your cooking time more convenient, meanwhile offer you a fun time playing with flames, and BBQ gears.
For those who are looking for a small BBQ device for their camping adventures, HOKIPO V-folding charcoal BBQ grill is one ideal choice. You can purchase it online from Amazon for Rs. 699 (approx. US $11).